Green Diamonds

Green Diamonds
The rarity of Natural Green Diamonds cannot be overestimated. The Legendary Dresden Green Diamond Report says: “Natural green body-color diamonds are extremely rare in nature…”
Pure green diamonds are extremely rare and highly sought after by the collectors of fancy colored diamonds. There is barely one new straight Intense (Vivid) Green diamond that comes to the market each year as most of the green diamonds have a yellowish hue.
Seren Diamond specializes in the cutting and polishing of the green diamonds and can boast the fact that the biggest Fancy Vivid Green and Fancy Intense Yellow Green diamonds certified & registered with GIA certificate are from our production. One of these diamonds was sold to a private collector.
Because of the rarity of natural fancy color green diamonds (in nature and on the market), some of our fabulous diamonds are not available online, however, information is available upon request. We prefer to keep these special diamonds on the side for those of you who collect diamonds (just like those people who put together art collections).
Common Color Variations:
Light Green, Very Light Green, Fancy Light Green, Fancy Green, Fancy Bluish Green, Fancy Green Blue, Fancy Light Greenish Yellow, Fancy Deep Yellowish Green, Fancy Dark Yellowish Green, Fancy Dark Gray Green, Fancy Dark Grayish Green, Fancy Yellowish Green, Fancy Intense Green, Fancy Intense Yellow Green, Fancy Intense Yellowish Green, Fancy Vivid Green.
SEREN DIAMOND deals with NATURAL COLORS only and we are taking full responsibility and fully guarantee that the COLOR ORIGIN of all our diamonds is NATURAL!. Learn about color origin